Please note that all downloadables and links are highlighted in yellow! :)

Friday, July 13, 2012


Finally, at last, I have my new website up and running! For the past few years I had to use the website provided to me by my district. But since they decided to no longer use that server and change to WEBPAMS [sp?] I will no longer have one provided by I am on my own. Years before I had a site through was great! This time around, however, I found a new place to host my site....MOONFRUIT. After playing around with it and learning how to do everything I want to do for now, I learned that I still have a LOT to learn! But none-the-less, I do LOVE my new class site. here is a snapshot....if you click it you will be taken there....

Some of the information I did find years ago on the net.....if I am using some of your stuff, PLEASE LET ME KNOW....I'D LOVE TO GIVE YOU CREDIT!!! :))))

I really considered creating a blog but I needed to make sure it would open at school since my district has a strict STRICT filtering policy! No....I can't get on this one there at school. Kinda nuts! Well....if it's for the safety of our kids, then so be it!

So, I hope you like my class website. I certainly think it's SCIENCE DIVA CERTIFIED! If you have any comments or suggestions, let me know! I love feedback...ALL KINDS! Ta ta for now!

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